
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Picture taken through a short outdoor corridor in Verona. The character of the far wall was created by age. When I entered this passage to look at the broken column, I detected the strong smell of livestock and expected to see a horses or horse signs when I got there. There was nothing of the sort. I have concluded it was a ghost scent from centuries past.  Posted by Picasa


  • Verona is sublime! I love that place. Spent nearly 2 weeks there 4 years ago. The Romeo & Juliette thing did not interest me much.
    I have so many wonderful pictures of that place. sigh.

    thanks for stopping by,

    By Blogger Laurie, at 7:02 PM  

  • Horses can fart like no other animal I know (although my dog sometimes smells like he ate onions) and there is nothing that compares with a real good horse fart. In fact I like the smell, but hey, I can be a real pig and rarely am bothered by smells or dirt or mud. I can enjoy the sweaty smell of a horse, combined with the smell of leather and all the smells that come with riding. And it is a well known fact that some people see ghosts, but other people hear them or smell them.

    By Blogger Gerrit Bosman, at 12:18 AM  

  • I have to say I am unfamiliar with horse farts, but do not mind the earthy smell of the dung. Other than being stuck on a pony at a zoo as a child I am not familiar with riding.
    Sylvia Plath's, "Ariel" always makes me lament not having that experience.

    I can't over state just how absolutely positive I was that when I passed through that corridor I was going to see horses. It was very near Piazza Erbe, not near a field or anything. I assumed there was going to be a police station nearby or maybe a horse and cart assembly, although I had seen neither a cop on a horse or a carriage in my visit there to that point. The smell was that strong and distinctive.

    I smelled a ghost :o)

    By Blogger Laurie, at 2:20 PM  

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