
Friday, November 25, 2005


If you think this blog seems neglected, you should see my carpet. My vaccuum needs to be dusted. My bathroom is a Darwinian petrie dish with primitive language the next step on the life-form progress scale. My dog has learned I am just no fun lately. My job is a mountain range. I have, after a month, reached the summit and am now on the easier downhill side of efforts equaling results. I am writing this. I survived another quarterly hell. Yet, I still embrace what I do. The freedom of working at home and being in charge of this enterprise that is so closely intertwined with my Life for so many years, that untangling Myself from what I do, when the time comes will be an adventure in itself. I am beyond tired and rambling and will now post this nonsense. Me and my cup of peppermint tea wish you all a Goodnight or Goodday. Laurie


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