
Sunday, April 13, 2008

One Raven Down

I just got back from driving the road down the hill from me to see if by some chance I could discover what happened to the male raven. The weather is wet and windy, otherwise I would have walked it. I'm writing this, hoping by some magic (like thinking I didn't get any poems chosen for publication then finding out I did) he returns.

The pair have been nesting, so I have only been seeing the male raven for weeks. With one short exception the other morning when they both came by first thing in the morning and she quickly left.

You can tell them apart by personality: His being much bolder and hers a more nervous, jerky demeanor. She approaches food very cautiously and then give these little jumps once she gets to the food. If he was nervous, he hid it well. I could get within a couple of feet of him if I turned my back. He was definately the most interesting to interact with.

Last time I saw him was Friday evening. I can't remember if it was an egg or raw beef strips I'd given him as the final feeding of the night. Sometimes he'd take what I'd given him and stash it and come right back for more and take that and fly into the woods where She and the nest are. Sometimes he'd fly in the opposite direction, like some diversionary tactic (from what I could figure out).

Since Saturday morning only she has come by. At first she was going back to the nest. Now, I think she has abandoned it from the times I am seeing her come by for food and her just eating it (or stashing it) instead of flying off to feed the nestling. So not only has He disappeared, I think it means the end the their nestlings too.

For at least a couple of years, these two birds have been a part of my daily life, you can't help but get attached. They've brought their nestlings, once fledged, to my yard in mid-summer so I could see their efforts (and my small part of feeding) in the flesh.

Sad. I'm really sad and hope by some miracle he shows back up. But, it is so completely out of character for him to have disappeared under these circumstances.

When I went out to get in the car to drive and look for him, she was sitting in the rain in a leafless tree next to my driveway, instead under the shelter of a pine. I think she is looking for him too.
