
Friday, April 17, 2009

Raven stuff

I scribble notes on my calendar about the ravens when out-of-the-ordinary behavior occurs. Because a significant thing happened this morning, I'm going to document the last month or so here, to get it all tied together. This will probably be extremely boring to anyone but myself.

February 19. Raven sex, a few feet away from my window.
It's been a long and very snowy winter and this seems too early given the several feet of snow out there. I am pretty sure that my feeding these birds really well, year-round, has messed with their biological clocks, since a similar thing happened last year.

Next note is:
March 9. Raven sex, again.

3/19, 20 & 21 no Raven showed up.
Highly unusual. I am their regular diner: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3/22 One raven, 8:30a, total of two quick stops, then no more.
3/23 No Raven.
3/24 7:30a, One raven. Several trips for chicken, then gone for the whole day.
3/25 & 26 No Raven.
3/27 One raven a couple times in the morn, then gone.
3/28 & 29 No Raven.
3/30 One stop, one raven in the afternoon
Since April 1, One Raven has been showing up, pretty regular, but not nearly as much as the usual pair hanging around my yard. When it flies away with food, it almost always heads directly in the into the woods where its nest has been the last few years.

Then this morning, I waited and waited for a raven to show up. Finally, at 9:30a to my great surprise, TWO Ravens arrived for the first time since March 18. One day short of an entire month. I think maybe there was a failed nest. I suspected the same thing last year, and also know a 'successful' nesting did take place because they brought their three offspring to my yard...I wrote about this ordeal with their young earlier this year.
Maybe, if the nest was successful the young are old enough to be left alone for sometime? It is still quite cold (20's overnight and stays in the 30's much of the day) and still Lots of snow up here in this neighborhood, although not so much in sunnier, and lower altitude spots around town.
As I type this, a little less than hour after the pair showed up, they are both still out there, sitting on snowbanks. I think the nest failed.


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