If ya like Opera....
Oh, my goodness! First things first. This is the first time I have figured out how to insert a picture into the text portion of my blog. I still have not figured out how to post a link. Win some. Lose some.
Okay, now for what I really came here for. Last week or so I got an email from the Met highlighting a couple of newly released cd's. The cd to the left (gawd, I hope it is still there when I publish!) was one they were highlighting. I am going to take a leap here and recommend this cd before it ever shows up on my doorstep. Such is my confidence in Ana Maria Martinez and Steven Mercurio to put together a winner. Ana Maria, I believe is now a regular at the Houston Opera. Before that beside starring in operas around the country and Europe, she traveled extensively with Andrea Bocelli as his soprano sidekick. She has a rich and beautiful voice. Not grating like some sopranos can be (to my ears). Steven Mercurio consistenly brings out the best in orchestras and musical arrangements. And he tossed me flowers at Hyde Park, but I digress (hahaha). Given the great talent involved, there is no way this cd could be anything but Very Good. Check it out!
Go to the compose a new entry screen. See the thing that looks like a link of chain on it's side on top of a green globe? That is the way you insert a link if you'd rather not type in all the HTML command yourself. Highlight the word(s) you want to associate with the link. Then, just copy and paste the URL into the popup window which appears when you click on the link tool and Voila! A click of OK and you are in business.
Easy once you get the hang of it.
Have a Happy 2006.
By Wil, at 7:39 PM
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